Talking of cheese....a lot of our milk has been sour recently. Our milk comes in 1 litre bags, and normally I buy 8 and freeze them. This last week 4 out of the 8 were completely off...and some were well on their way to becoming cheese. Bleugh!
The girls are growing up fast. Bethany is reading books as fast as we can get hold of them for her. It's really encouraging that she is reading her Bible too on her own. She has come up with some REALLY deep theological questions for a 7 year old too! Phew! Taking quite a bit of thinking to answer them! However...all good stuff! She's got some lovely friends from school that come from many diverse backgrounds and religions, and so she has plenty of questions to ask about what they all believe and why. We have no doubt that it's a growth time for her.
A sad thing at school is that two of her best friends will be moving on. She's been with them since she was 4 and so it'll be quite a blow for all of them. Please keep her in your prayers as she adjusts to their absence.
Naomi is still very comical...and knows just what to say to get a reaction! She is starting to read CVC words....yes, I had to ask what that meant means consonant, vowel, consonant words....bat, rat, hat, cat etc. She's loving it, and is forever drawing pictures (normally of fairies) and then will write their 'names' underneath. She seems to think that any random letters will do. Last time, we have LOEL, NPAO and NAD. Pretty names for fairies don't you think!
I've been very busy doing three grades and it's wearing me out! I'm sure it's all very good experience, but it's certainly been pretty full on.
Laurie is still balancing two hats on his head. He's both the IT manager and pilot. He still enjoys both, although each come with their own frustrations. It's particularly hard when things go wrong at the office with internet, often it's totally beyond his control, and all he can do is stay in touch with the internet provider until they can fix the proble at their end.
He came across some interesting weather in Sudan recently. The Harmattan....very very dusty Saharan sands, with 1500m visibility. He decided to avoid it - good idea!
Well, time to go and do a bit more biology! Keep in touch folks.