Sunday, April 19, 2009

Three Girls

I thought I'd just add this photo onto the web quickly. We have Book Week coming up at the girls' school...and both will dress up this Friday. Bethany will go as Little Red Riding Hood, and Naomi will go as Angelina Ballerina. We've had fun getting their costumes ready!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

We hope that you are all having a wonderful Easter, and are able to celebrate in the reason for Easter - that Christ rose from the dead on Easter Day and that the tomb was amazingly empty!

We went to church this morning and then did a small egg hunt with the girls when we came home. They had did we when we were trying to think up silly clues!

We are now into our second week of the school holidays which were well needed! We went away for a week to the Kenyan coast and enjoyed the luxury of Turtle Bay hotel. It's very popular with East African residents as well as those coming from further away. Thankfully, we hadn't planned much more than lazing about in the pool and on the beach. This was just as well, as Bethany managed to fall ill on day one, and this got progressively worse resulting in a midnight visit from the hotel Doctor. We were very grateful for this service and he dispensed some super strong antibiotics for her pneumonia. She still managed to enjoy the pool (which helped keep her temperature down). Laurie and I are feeling slightly zonked from not sleeping through the night for about 10 days due to the coughing. It's like having a newborn!

This coming week, we (me and the girls at least) will hopefully have some later starts and can have a relaxed week. Laurie on the other hand starts back flying on Tuesday by going up to Sudan.